Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel 9 at the Arnold Engineering Development Complex in White Oak, Maryland is in high demand after a recent upgrade that has enabled it to recreate flows at speeds of Mach 18, the US Air Force has said.
High hypersonic vehicle testing at speeds of Mach 18 was started last summer after a 2 month calibration process. The long-awaited capability, which allows for testing at speeds never before realized in a US AIr Force Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) facility has been in high demand since the calibration was completed.
“Every customer this fiscal year has a portion of their test matrix that is using Mach 18,” said John Lafferty, Tunnel 9 technical director. “They have been waiting for this.”
Prior to the calibration of Mach 18, the maximum speed offered at Tunnel 9, or at any AEDC facility, was Mach 14. Customers needing results at higher Mach simulations would be required to extrapolate the Mach 14 test conditions to the higher Mach numbers.
Read the complete article on aerospacetestinginternational.com